Angel Number Tattoo Ideas & Meanings: Honor The Message From Your Angel

October 6, 2022by Milena Petrovic

Did you start noticing weird numerical patterns lately and want to find their meaning?

Maybe it’s a repeating number like 333 or 888, and you just can’t get it out of your head.

These numbers are called angel numbers and have their roots in numerology.

Angel numbers are a way for your angels to communicate with you and offer you guidance, support, or even messages.

While some people may think angel numbers are nothing more than coincidence, the truth is that they’re a genuine phenomenon with a deep spiritual meaning.

And this is precisely what we will talk about in this article.

If you’re looking into getting a angel number tattoo, dive deep into their meanings below!

What Are Angel Numbers?

Angel numbers are sequences of numbers that carry a specific meaning, usually related to your life path or spiritual journey.

According to numerology, every number vibrates at a unique frequency. And when a number is repeated—like angel numbers 111, 222, or 333—its power and meaning is amplified.

These number sequences often appear randomly, but they can also show up in response to something you’ve been thinking about or praying for guidance.

Your angels will use whatever means necessary to get your attention and convey their message, so don’t be surprised if you start seeing angel numbers pop up in the most unexpected places!

Usual are your watch, phone, license plates, house numbers, etc.

Many who relate with their good vibes and positive effect want then to use them for a angel number tattoo.

What Do The Angel Number Tattoos Mean?

While any set of 3 identical numbers can be an angel number, some appear more frequently than others as angel number tattoos, given their positive meaning.

The most common angel number tattoos are 444, 777, and 222.

But what do angel numbers mean? Let’s take a closer look.

  • Angel Number 000 – New beginnings
    The number 000 is a powerful angel number that symbolizes new beginnings. If you’ve felt like you’re at a crossroads in your life, this is a sign from your angels that it’s time to make a change. Trust that you are being divinely guided and supported as you venture down a new path.
  • Angel Number 111 – Intuition
    The number 111 is perhaps the most well-known of all the angel numbers. It’s a compelling message from your angels and usually signifies that you’re on the right path in life. Seeing this number means that your hard work is paying off and that you should continue following your intuition. It’s also a reminder to stay optimistic, as this will help you manifest your desires more quickly.
  • Angel Number 222 – Alignment
    The number 222 is a sign from your angels that you’re about to enter a new phase in your life. This can be something big, like starting a new job or relationship, or something small, like changing your daily routine. Whatever it is, the number 222 is a reminder to stay positive and have faith that everything will work out for the best.
  • Angel Number 333 – Guidance
    If you’re seeing the number 333 a lot, it’s a sign that your angels are trying to get your attention. They usually tell them that you need to focus on your spiritual growth and development. It’s also a reminder to be more present at the moment and focus on your thoughts, as they directly impact your reality.
  • Angel Number 444 – Protection
    If you keep seeing the number 444, it’s a sign from your angels that you’re surrounded by their love and support. This is a very positive sign and reminds you that you’re never alone. It’s also a message from your angels to stay on your current path, as it is leading you to your highest good.
  • Angel Number 555 – Change
    The number 555 is often seen as a warning from your angels. It’s usually a sign that something in your life is out of alignment with your true purpose. It’s a reminder to pay attention to your thoughts and actions, as they’re creating your reality. If you’re seeing this number frequently, it’s a good idea to take some time for introspection and make any necessary changes.
  • Angel Number 666 – Reflect
    While 666 is often seen as a negative sign, it’s a neutral number. It reminds your angels that you’re on the right path and should continue following your intuition. However, it’s also a warning to be aware of your thoughts and actions, as they can create negativity in your life. If you’re seeing this number frequently, it’s a good idea to check in with yourself and make sure you’re staying positive and focused on your goals.
  • Angel Number 777 – Luck
    The number 777 is a sign from your angels that you’re about to embark on a new spiritual journey. This can be anything from starting a meditation practice to going on a retreat. Whatever it is, the number 777 reminds you to stay positive and open-minded, as this will help you receive guidance from your angels.
  • Angel Number 888 – Balance
    The number 888 is a sign from your angels that you’re on the right path. This is a very positive number and reminds you to stay focused on your goals. It’s also a message from your angels to take action on your dreams and desires, as they are about to manifest in your reality.
  • Angel Number 999 – Release
    The number 999 is a sign from your angels that you’ve completed a cycle in your life. This can be anything from finishing a project to ending a relationship. Whatever it is, the number 999 is a reminder to take time for yourself and celebrate your accomplishments. It’s also a message from your angels that you’re about to start a new phase in your life, so stay positive and open to change.

Most Common Angel Tattoo Placement

There are a few different places where people tend to get angel number tattoos.

The most popular spot is probably on the back, giving the tattoo a lot of space to work with. Other standard placements include the chest, arms, and wrists.

Where you get your tattoo is ultimately up to you, but it’s essential to keep in mind that some places are more painful than others.

It’s also worth considering how visible you want your tattoo to be.

If you want it to be easily hidden, a smaller tattoo or one in a less conspicuous spot may be the best option, such as ribs, inner upper arm, chest, and back.

Additionally, if you decide to connect them with your zodiac tattoos, you should also think about how space you’d need for the given tattoo idea.

Frequently Asked Questions About Angel Numbers:

What do you need to know about angel numbers?

You should know a few things about angel numbers before getting a tattoo.

First, it’s essential to understand the meaning of the numbers. This is especially true if you’re getting a specific number tattooed.

Second, remember that some people believe getting an angel number tattoo can help them connect with their guardian angel.

And lastly, remember that angel number tattoos can be removed, but the process can be pretty painful.

Can anyone get an angel number tattoo?

Yes, anyone can get an angel number tattoo.

However, it’s essential to ensure you understand the tattoo’s meaning before you get it.

Usually, the numbers have a specific and unique purpose, like the address of the house you were born in or the day you met your significant other.

So, read above before you get inked because it will make a great conversation piece.

Do angel number tattoos have to be in a specific spot?

No, angel number tattoos don’t have to be in a specific spot.

However, some people prefer to get them in a spot easily hidden, like the ribs or thigh.

Others prefer to get them in a more visible spot, like the wrist or collarbone.

Ultimately, it’s up to you where you want to get your tattoo.

Can angel number tattoos be removed?

Yes, angel number tattoos can be removed.

However, it’s essential to remember that removal can be painful and may not be 100% successful.

If you’re considering getting a tattoo removed, be sure to consult with a professional first.

What should you do when you see your angel numbers?

When you see your angel numbers, it’s a good idea to take some time to reflect on what they mean.

This can be anything from taking a moment to meditate on the meaning of the numbers to writing down your thoughts and feelings about them.

It’s also a good idea to stay positive and focused on your goals, as this will help you manifest your desires.

Remember, the numbers are a sign from your angels that you’re on the right path, so trust in their guidance.

Is it bad luck to get angelic numbers tattooed?

No, it’s not bad luck to get angelic numbers tattooed.

Many believe getting an angel number tattoo can help them connect with their guardian angel.

So, if you’re considering getting an angel number tattoo, go for it!

Just be sure to research and understand the meaning of the numbers before you get inked.


Getting an angel number tattoo is a great way to connect with your angels and receive their guidance.

Whether you choose a specific number or go with a more general design, make sure you take the time to research the meaning of your tattoo before getting it.

Also, be sure to check out other related spiritual tattoo ideas like the “G>∧∨”(God is Greater than the highs and lows tattoo).

Start Your Custom Angel Number Tattoo

Looking for a custom angel number tattoo design? We'd love to help. Our team consists of creative international artists, so click the button below to tell us more your tattoo idea:

Milena Petrovic


Having been in the tattoo business for years, I decided to combine it with my other passion – astrology to create a custom zodiac tattoo design project for my fellow spiritual people. Here I write about amazing zodiac tattoos I find online and analyze the meanings.

Feel free to find me on Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook – I am the person in the DMs, so don’t be shy.